Was hanging out in Shibuya and a Youtuber Twitch Streamer Akasan suggested we go grab some Tacos at ØL by Oslo Brewing Co. / La Cabina! Im in!
Everyone got 1 steak Taco and of course I needed a nice glass of beeru.
The Tacos! I gave 1,000 yen to one of the guys who ordered and got no change... so are these tiny tacos really 1,000 yen? Yabai!
Its was a very dry cubed steak Taco... Noooo juiciness and honestly not good. After a few bites I noticed there were a few sauces near the outdoor taco kitchen.
My 1,000 yen thimble full of ΦL Tokyo craft beer... this was the least expensive item on the entire Craft Beer menu! DUDE! Its like 150ml of beer. DUDE!!
Overall Boooo.... Its a very nice atmosphere mostly dominated by foreign clientele.
Nothing in Japan can compare to those amazing LA Taco Trucks!
Restaurant: La Cabina Shibuya / ØL by Oslo Brewing Co.
Restaurant J: ラ カビナ/ オール トーキョー
Tabelog Foodie: https://tabelog.com/tokyo/A1303/A130301/13236425/
Homepage: https://www.oltokyo.jp/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lacabinatokyo
Address J: 東京都渋谷区宇田川町37-10 麻仁ビル
Address E: 37-10 Udagawacho, Shibuya, Tokyo 150-0042
Google MAPS: https://maps.app.goo.gl/3gruWEic8NNqQuzy8
メキシコ料理, タコス、神泉駅、Japan, Japanese, foodie, yelp, tokyobelly, lunch, dinner, pub, bar, iphone 12 mini, ビアバー、カフェ