Sunday, November 7, 2021

KICHIJOJI: Sotomalu standing bar for a quick draft beer in the presence of a fairly anti-social female bartender. (Sony RX100)

Another new bar to check out but unfortunately the rather messy hair female bartender raised her hand and made a point that I can`t take photos... managed to get a few while she was preoccupied on her iPhone.  Have to share with my Tokyobelly followers :)

I suggest don`t going here if you see this lady... just gave off a very anti-social vibe. Probably not the best person to hire as a bartender. 

Anyways it was mostly middle aged guys drinking here...  would suggest exploring places that have a better balance of men to females.  As they say restaurants or bars with a larger female clientele are usually much better. 

Restaurant Bar: Soto-Malo
Address J: 東京都武蔵野市吉祥寺本町1-1-8
Address E: Tokyo, Musashinoshi, Kichijoji Honcho 1-1-8
そとまろ , 立ち飲み居酒屋・バー, 馬肉料理, 吉祥寺駅, ハーモニカ横丁, Japan, Japanese, Tokyo, foodie, yelp, pub, bar, standing bar, cheap, harmonica yokocho, sony rx100, Tokyobelly, 

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