Monday, January 20, 2020

NAKANO: Tachi Sushi Yokocho.... am I back again a week later? So budget and yum. (Canon s120)

Another Sunday night and I start craving sushi again.  

1 piece starts at 65 yen!

I tend to go from the least expensive to mid then back to the cheap stuff...

Whisky hi-ball 50% off for the standing 1st floor area.
380 yen --> 190 yen!

So I get the Ika squid.  65 yen per but it comes in pairs. 

Just say "wasabi kudasai" if you need additional wasabi.  It free.

Negi-maguro and Kani-miso (crab miso).

The Chef taking care of my corner.  Great service. 

Negi-toro rolls.

Zukeh-Maguro... seasoned maguro.  Also 65 yen each!

Everything in this place is pre-cut.  Might be due to being busy all the time. 

I think my chef might have been from Okinawa?

Lady ordering take-out.

One beer or Hi-ball and some sushi will hit the spot at 1,000 - 1,500 yen.  Its a great place to go with friends or alone.  When in Nakano give this sushi spot a try!!

Restaurant: Tachisushi Yokocho Nakano Sun Mall
Address J: 東京都中野区中野5-58-6
Address E: Tokyo, Nakano-ku, Nakano 5-58-6

立ち寿司横丁 中野サンモール, 立ち食い寿司, 魚介料理, 海鮮料理, 和食, 中野駅, Japan, Japanese, Tokyo, Canon s120, foodie, yelp, Tokyobelly, standing bar, sushi, beer, sake, sashimi, tachi sushi, Nakano sun mall

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