Saturday, March 22, 2014

ROPPONGI: Tsurumiya "Yokohama Home Style" Ramen... lowly ranked but hit the spot

Its been a solid 6 years since I last visited Tsurumiya located between Roppongi Hills and Nishi Azabu crossing... was in the area so decide to revisit this lowly ranked Ramen spot.

If you get lost always push the top left corner button... the house special usually with less toppings but the most reasonable.

Free fried garlic chips

Love fresh garlic but it just lingers toooo long... it was a pass this night.

Very spacious L shaped counter seating.

Extra items for cheap if you like. 50 yen bowl of rice, 50 yen seaweed or 100yen flavored egg.

Customize your ramen in English! Thickness of the noodles, richness of the soup and if you like it extra fatty oily you must go for "Oily - Oomeh"

Mine was Futo-men (thick noodles), extra flavorful soup and oily.

Tiny quail egg.

Overall I think the Japanese foodies are a bit harsh with the 2.92 point ranking (Anything below 3.5 is a easy pass) but perhaps the beer I had prior to this helped out... or maybe it was the super friendly Ramen Chef who just finished up his 13 hour shift. The volume is much lower than most places but nobody wants to over do the carbs past midnight.  Give it a go~

Leave you with a very nice Mercedes C63 AMG spotting...

...and a sleepy salary man spotting at the Oedo subway line.

Restaurant: Tsurumiya Ramen Roppongi Branch
Address J:  東京都港区西麻布3-20-16 西麻布アネックス 1F
Address E: Tokyo, Minato-ku, Nishi Azabu 3-20-16

ラーメン, 鶴見家,  六本木, Japanese, Japan, Noodles, tonkotsu, shoyu, miso, foodie, tokyobelly, tsukemen,

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