Sunday, April 10, 2022

EKODA: Whisky Bar Keith. Counter seating for 7... friendly regulars. (Sony RX100)


Always curious about this tiny bar in Ekoda named Keith.  Same name as one of my colleagues back in my CLSA Credit Agricole days. 

One thing I fear about Whisky bars is the price of a glass.  Asked the bartender for something easy on the wallet. 

Bartender prepared a rather big glass of Glen Keith Malt Scotch Whisky. It was very smooth. 

Chatted up a very nice couple that was sitting next to me.  The boyfriend was dressed as a woman... guess Japan is opening up to different kinds of lifestyles.  My glass was 1,200 yen. Unsure if that included a bar charge.  All 7 seats at the counter was full.

Restaurant: KEITH Whisky Bar
Address J: 東京都練馬区栄町4-3 YKビル
Address E: Tokyo, Nerima-ku, Sakaecho 4-3

KEITH  キース, バー, 江古田駅, Japan, Japanese, Tokyo, foodie, yelp, tokyobelly, sony rx100, pub, bar, date, 

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