Sunday, July 7, 2019

TAKASHIMADAIRA: Shodai Marugen a family friendly franchise ramen spot but all around very mediocre. (Sony RX100)

I went to Church today then afterwards tagged along with my friends family to check out Marugen Ramen.  Lots of booths, tables and seats for single diners... and a whole lot of families.

Great iced green tea at the tables.  Tiny sized ramen for kids.

This was all me.  Dessert Set that includes ramen, gyoza and ice cream.

Here it is!  There were thin slices of pork thats very commonly found in supermarkets, a round ball of grated radish, slices of onion, negi and seaweed. 

Noodles were thin but very al'dente. Not quite what I like. 

Gyoza was cold... nothing memorable here. 

The slices of pork.  The soup didn't have any depth to it... kind tasted like the pork was the main flavor of the soup.  Hmmm....  

Overall it was a very mediocre ramen.  I think due to its family friendly environment and parking this is more for families versus those who want a great bowl of ramen.

I go to New Hope church once every several years and always enjoy the Hula.  If you want to attend a bilingual church service then for sure check out one of their branches. 

Restaurant: Shodai Marugen Takashimadaira Branch
Address J: 東京都板橋区高島平1-13-6
Address E: Tokyo, Itabashi-ku, Takashimadaira 1-13-6

丸源ラーメン 高島平店, ラーメン, つけ麺, 餃子, 高島平駅, Japan, Japanese, Tokyo, foodie, yelp, tokyobelly, sony rx100, noodles, dinner, lunch, cheap, tabelog,

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