Tuesday, January 22, 2019

IKEJIRIOHASHI: Hong Kong Men Shinki (Sun Kee). If you miss Hong Kong you gotta check out this authentic spot!

Who goes goes Ikejiri Ohashi?  Me to visit a client and of course had to check out the foodie ranking for something near the office.  

Choice was LA Garage on the same block or Hong Kong noodles... colleague voted for noodles.

Many different kinds of lunch set.  Went for A Set that includes spar rib bits over rice, wonton ramen with Hong Kong noodles and almond jelly all for 900 yen. Oh if you go for the Japanese noodles then its only 800 yen.

The staff of 4 were all speaking Cantonese and the music was fully local.  Really felt like I was in Hong Kong again... loved this atmosphere. 

Super tasty spare rib bowl!

Oh my goodness... 

2 pieces of shrimp wonton in the dish.

The annin dofu was ever so slightly sweet.   Really enjoyed everything about this restaurant.  If in the area you gotta check out Hongkongmen! 

Restaurant: Hongkongmen Shinki
Address J: 東京都世田谷区池尻3-30-10 山旺ビル 2F
Address E: Tokyo, Setagaya-ku, Ikejiri 3-30-10

香港麺 新記 三宿本店 , シンキ, 広東料理, 飲茶, 点心, ワンタンつみれ麺 又は ワンタンつみれつゆなし麺, スペアリブ飯, Japan, Japanese, foodie, yelp, tokyobelly, sony rx100, shibuya, tabelog, noodles,

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