Friday, August 4, 2017

EBISU: Bistro D’arbre for a great night of food and music for a group of 50

Invited to a clients dinner party to celebrate their new Ebisu showroom.

Pâté ... don't always have a chance to eat this but always good.

Egg plant and pumpkin squares.

Tuna pasta...

Jambalaya with huge chunks of pork.

Live music performance

Open Bar area... All you can drink from 6:30 - 9pm.

It was a great spot to have a party with open terrace area.  Japan has been great to me and I've been lucky to meet really good people.  The key to this country and any country is to immerse yourself in the language, culture and music... learn something new all the time and you will be surprised how random subjects you pick up actually brings you closer to people here. 

Restaurant: Bistro D’arbre
Address J: 東京都渋谷区恵比寿南1-4-8
Address E: Tokyo, Shibuya-ku, Ebisu Minami 1-4-8

ビストロ・ダルブル 恵比寿店 , フレンチ, ビストロ, ワインバー, 恵比寿, Tokyo, Japan, Japanese, foodie, yelp, tokyobelly, wine bar, french, patio, canon s110, sony rx100, shibuya,

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