Friday, December 16, 2016

EBISU: Soul Dressing Burgers! Unnecessarily tall burgers... must smush then eat!

Business Lunch? Alright I'm going for the most expensive ABC Burger! 1,650yen.
Avocado, Bacon and Cheese.

Vegan plates too... Gluten Free.

The burger is soooo tall... a few fell over.  There is just no way to evenly bite into this burger. Found my self nibbling on parts.

It was just monstrous and a bit of a chore to eat.
If you go I'd stay away from the bacon topping as the flavor overwhelms everything.

Restaurant: Soul Dressing
Address J: 東京都渋谷区恵比寿西2-10-2
Address E: Tokyo, Shibuya-ku, Ebisu Nishi 2-10-2

ソウルドレッシング ,  鉄板焼き, ステーキ, ダイニングバー, 恵比寿, Japan, Japanese, Tokyo, Burgers, Hamburger, Canon s110, foodie, tokyobelly, beer, lunch, daikanyama

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