Thursday, November 10, 2016

OOIMACHI: Niku-no-Maekawa popularly cramped standing Yakitori butcher... cheap can beers!

Trying to kill a few minutes before dinner and stumbled upon Niku No Maekawa.  Lots of retired old folks, salarymen and a few OL's cramped into a very tiny butcher.

Standing room outside.

Lots of Yakitori Selections in the chilled showcase.

Menu. All the yakitori was around 100yen.

Ordered some seasoned pork slices.

Rather fair... Canned 350mm Kirin Beer was 300yen.  Think its like 200 yen at the supermarket.

Just help yourself and pay at the register.

Very old place... mirror was all foggy... gold reflective ceilings had some fancy almost night club looking lights.

The yakitori chef busy on her iPhone!  All the staff here were Chinese ladies.

Restaurant: Niku No Maekawa
Address J: 東京都品川区東大井5-2-9
Address E: Tokyo, Shinagawa-ku, Higashi Ooi 5-2-9

肉のまえかわ, にくのまえかわ, 焼鳥, 立ち飲み, 居酒屋, バー, 天ぷら, 揚げ物, Japan, Japanese, Tokyo, Canon s120, foodie, beer, sake, cheap, standing bar, yelp, tokyobelly

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