Sunday, April 12, 2015

ROPPONGI: Izakaya Komatsu... always 210 beers and now its a Pizzeria!

I'm usually at Komatsu or Machan Izakaya on the weekends but to day I spotted a brand new pizza stove... plus the walls are somewhat redecorated in Green and Red.

Didn't venture into the Pizza's because they all seemed like they were pre-made (frozen)... for this price I'd rather hit up the 500yen Pizzeria Cona.

70yen Chicken Wings

580yen Sushi Platter

The Pizza Chefs... noticed they were all speaking in Chinese.


Ferrari 458 spotting...

And a beautiful wedding dress at Roppongi crossing.

Restaurant: Izakaya Komatsu 居酒屋 小松 
Address J: 東京都港区六本木4-9-2 俳優座ビル 3F
Address E: Tokyo, Minato-ku, Roppongi 4-9-2, 3F

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