Wednesday, December 10, 2014

OMOTESANDO: The 3rd Burger... feshly ground Ozzie beef into a tiny satisfying goodness~

Just happened to be walking past The 3rd Burger in Omotesando and the price points were not so bad... burgers begin at 390yen up to 640yen (think you can also order extra toppings).

Menu up on huge monitors.

Fresh Australian Beef cut up and ground up for the burgers.

Went with the Avocado Wasabi Burger 594yen.  The give you a little buzzer just like the US... just goto the counter after the thing starts to light up and vibrate.

Very spacious with table seating, large sharing table and comfy cushion type seats along the wall.

There it is!  Overflowing with fresh lettuce.

The texture reminded me of The Great Burger in Harajuku.  It was just very satisfying... a step above McD's and a rank below the popular Japanese burger joints.

I'm sure to be back but honestly probably skip all the toppings and go for the basic burger that has its own special sauce.  Think as you add more topping it starts to approach the prices of better burger shops in Tokyo that offer bugger burgers.  

Restaurant: The 3rd Burger
3rd Burger Website:
Address J: 東京都港区南青山5-11-2 SANWA南青山ビル 1F
Address E: Tokyo. Minato-ku, Minami Aoyama 5-11-2

ザ・サードバーガー, 青山骨董通り店 , 表参道, Japan, Japanese, Canon s120, foodie, tokyobelly, burger, cheese, Tokyo, lunch, dinner, cheap

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