Sunday, February 2, 2014

DAIKANYAMA: XEX Daikanyama The Bar... a night for Dom Perignon

A good friend of mine was visiting from Vietnam and he requested Champagne... so off we went to XEX Daikanyama~.

A nice crowd of 20-30 somethings at 10pm... quite a few ladies here.

700yen for Asahi Super Dry draft... super chilled.

Our extremely friendly waitress.

The Bar is definitely a great date spot with unobstructed views and a cozy dimly lit atmosphere. One pizza, some prosciutto, appetizer, Asahi beers and two bottles of Dom came out to almost 50,000yen... thank goodness one guy just closed a M&A deal and the other was allocated some stock options for cloud based BOX :) 

Restaurant: XEX Daikanyama The Bar
Address J: 東京都渋谷区猿楽町11-1 ラフェンテ代官山 3F
Address E: Tokyo, Shibuya-ku, Sarugakucho 11-1

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ゼックス代官山, ザ・バー, 代官山, Japanese, bar, standing bar, wine, italian, pizza, foodie, tokyobelly, italian, french, terrace,

1 comment:

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